
  • U.S. agribusiness seeks global control

    U.S. agribusiness seeks global control

    June 20, 2003

    A wide range of organizations, from the Sacramento Central Labor Council to Action for Social and Ecological Justice of Burlington, Vt., will converge on Sacramento, Calif., in late June to protest a move by U.S. agribusiness...

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  • Rudy Lozano, 20 years later

    Rudy Lozano, 20 years later

    June 13, 2003 By Emile Schepers

    Rudy Lozano was one of the most important political figures in Chicago at that time. Born in Harlington, Texas, he had grown up in Chicago and contributed much to the city’s progressive politics.

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  • Letters


    June 13, 2003

    New film on Venezuela coup PWW readers are now able to purchase, on video, the highly acclaimed documentary film “The Revolution Will Not Be Televised.” Made by a group of Irish filmmakers, the film is a...

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  • Editorials


    June 13, 2003

    Rx: Make three calls now The Medicare prescription drug scheme being promoted by the president along with Republican and some Democratic congressmen is not just a lousy drug program. It’s the front end of a steamroller...

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  • Steel union sounds alarm on jobs

    Steel union sounds alarm on jobs

    June 12, 2003

    “Unless there is a strong Democratic (Party) case for revitalizing manufacturing, there’s a good chance George Bush will clean the Democrats’ clock,” declared Leo Gerard, president of the United Steelworkers of America (USWA). Gerard was speaking...

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