May 30, 2003Mourn the dead and organize for peace Many mourned the death of 145 U.S. soldiers in the Iraq War this past Memorial Day weekend. Surely the deepest grief is suffered by mothers and fathers – both...
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May 23, 2003Cuba solidarity still needed As you may know, I am no longer at the Cuban Interests Section (CIS) in Washington, D.C. I was in Cuba on my holidays when the U.S. government decided last week to...
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May 23, 2003Who killed the Victoria 18? The death of 18 Latino immigrants inside a locked semi-trailer near Victoria, Texas, May 14, throws a hideous spotlight on the criminal trafficking in human cargo across our southern border. A...
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May 16, 2003Solutions and the Communist Party The Communist Party has for 84 years been the major organized, incorruptible opposition to capitalism in the USA. It has been in the forefront of organizing workers into unions and as...
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May 16, 2003No resegregation On May 17, 1954, the Supreme Court outlawed the doctrine of “separate but equal” in public education. In unequivocal language, a unanimous court ruled that separate facilities for Black and white were inherently unequal:...
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