
  • Cinco de Mayo has many lessons

    Cinco de Mayo has many lessons

    May 7, 2003 By Emile Schepers

    Cinco de Mayo celebrations across the U.S. and Mexico are an opportunity to deepen our understanding of the inequalities caused by imperialism and debt, and to redouble anti-imperialist solidarity, upholding the principle of national sovereignty for...

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  • Letters


    May 7, 2003

    Returning artifacts to Iraq One of the unfortunate tools and consequences of war is the destruction of the history and cultural heritage of tribes, ethnic groups, and even nations. We have learned time and again that...

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  • Editorials


    May 7, 2003

    May 1: International Workers’ Day Only 117 years ago, May 1, 1886, Albert and Lucy Parsons and their two children led 80,000 workers up Chicago’s Michigan Avenue, arm-in-arm, singing. That day, a third of a million...

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  • Solidarity leaders say: Let Cuba live!

    Solidarity leaders say: Let Cuba live!

    May 7, 2003

    WASHINGTON – A standing-room crowd of Cuba solidarity activists packed the Cuban Interest Section April 26 for a briefing on the current U.S.-Cuba crisis. Cuba’s response to so-called “dissidents” including the execution of three men who...

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  • Letters


    April 18, 2003

    21st century propaganda The U.S. military, in collusion with the compliant corporate media, reported that the statue of Saddam Hussein was toppled by Iraqis. No, it wasn’t. The up close documentation of the statue being destroyed...

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