
  • Editorials


    April 18, 2003

    2004 elections: Key to stopping Bush Drunk with power, the Bush administration is preparing its next steps to rule the world and attack democracy here at home. Turning the world upside down with its most extreme...

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  • Letters


    April 11, 2003

    Iraq war casualties Thank you for Susan Webb’s article “War in Iraq takes horrifying toll” (PWW/Mundo April 5) It was very informative and heart-wrenching. In the article, you stated that 725 Iraqi civilian deaths have been...

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  • Editorials


    April 11, 2003

    Gagging protest Several recent events point to a sharp escalation of the Bush administration’s drive to silence growing opposition to its doctrine of unilateral, preemptive war: Item – Police fire concussion grenades and beanbag bullets at...

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  • Letters


    April 4, 2003

    Coverage is ‘ray of sunshine’ Your Feb. 22 issue was a ray of sunshine. Pictures and stories about compassionate people opposing Bush’s insane policy toward Iraq are wonderful. By contrast, after I read the Bellingham Herald...

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  • Editorials


    April 4, 2003

    Stop the killing in Iraq! Ceasefire now! In the tiny farm community of Palestine, West Virginia, people sighed with relief that 19-year-old Jessica Lynch has been rescued from a hospital in Nasariya, Iraq, albeit with broken...

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