
  • Prison labor needs reforms

    Prison labor needs reforms

    November 22, 2002

    Opinion The practice of prison labor is almost as old as the ages. In fact, many forms of ancient slavery lie in the use of conquered people for work. Currently, the idea and practice of prison...

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  • Venezuelan democracy under siege (by U.S.)

    Venezuelan democracy under siege (by U.S.)

    November 22, 2002 By John Gilman

    Opinion Twelve years ago a populist priest named Jean-Bertrand Aristide became President of Haiti, in that country’s first democratic elections. A businessman summed up the attitude of Haiti’s small but stubborn elite: “Everybody who is anybody...

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  • Letters


    November 22, 2002

    Cover grocery workers Great site! Could you run a story about the contract negotiations with UFCW 1546, UFCW 881 and Dominicks grocery stores (Safeway). Safeway is intimidating, harassing and breaking the law. You can get more...

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  • Editorials


    November 22, 2002

    Study war no more Young people will not only be the cannon fodder in a war against Iraq; they are already victims of the growing militarization of American life under the leadership of “chickenhawks” George W....

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  • Radio suffers from corporate control

    Radio suffers from corporate control

    November 22, 2002

    A new report by the Future of Music Coalition tells us about the sad state of radio today after six years of deregulation. We all know the problem – you hear the same songs on the...

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