
  • Editorials


    November 8, 2002

    Death by drone: an illegal act The CIA killed six suspected terrorists with an unmanned drone in Yemen, thereby officially expanding the war on terrorism outside of Afghanistan. One of Al Qaeda’s top men was supposedly...

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  • Chicagos banquet a success

    Chicagos banquet a success

    November 1, 2002

    CHICAGO – Honoring legendary fighters for social justice, the annual Illinois People’s Weekly World/Nuestro Mundo banquet raised $6,100 for the 2002 Fund Drive here Oct. 20. William McNary, president of USAction and veteran of countless successful...

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  • Letters


    November 1, 2002

    War is ... The quote Ed Campbell is looking for (10/26) is from Marine Commander-Gen. Smedley Butler and was published in The New York Times, Aug. 21, 1931, as well as in the magazine, The World...

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  • Editorials


    November 1, 2002

    Stop the vote thieves before they steal “If you can’t win it, steal it.” That should be the slogan of the Republicans in the 2002 election as it was in the 2000 election. Attorney General John...

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  • Lou Bortz

    Lou Bortz

    October 31, 2002

    CLEVELAND – Longtime Communist Party activist Lou Bortz died here Aug. 16. He was 92 years old. Bortz was one of 10 children of an immigrant shoemaker from Czarist Lithuania. He finished ninth grade in New...

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