
  • LETTERS January 31, 2009

    LETTERS January 31, 2009

    January 24, 2009

    Quotes of the week Hallelujah! In his inaugural speech (albeit without attribution) President Obama quoted from Thomas Paine’s American Crisis No. 1. “Let it be told to the future world ... that in the depth of...

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  • Letters – January 24, 2009

    Letters – January 24, 2009

    January 17, 2009

    Solidarity biscotti Thank you for your article “Forget Stella D’Oro cookies! Support striking workers,” by Terrie Albano (PWW 12/20-1/16). I have been a fan of Stella D’Oro for many years. I too will make my own...

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  • LETTERS: January 17

    LETTERS: January 17

    January 9, 2009

    Macabre Arpaio He’s national, he’s international, he’s notorious. Live from Maricopa County Jail, the inverted story of local boy makes good, on the TV “variety” show Late Night with Conan the barbarian (www.nbc.com/Schedule/) featured the coward...

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  • CPUSA condemns Gaza attacks

    CPUSA condemns Gaza attacks

    December 30, 2008

    The Communist Party USA (CPUSA) emphatically condemns the continuing Israeli air strikes in Gaza, which have left hundreds dead and over a thousand wounded. The hundreds of Israeli air strikes have been carried out with a...

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  • EDITORIAL: Happy holidays

    EDITORIAL: Happy holidays

    December 22, 2008

    Happy holidays This is our last print edition for 2008. Do not fear — we will be publishing online throughout the holiday season. But we do want to take the opportunity to send a greeting to...

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