
  • Ultra-right pushes Canada into political crisis

    Ultra-right pushes Canada into political crisis

    December 17, 2008

    Canada has been thrown into a period of intense political volatility as the three opposition parties in Parliament have rejected the governing ultra-right Conservative Party’s “mini-budget” response to September’s economic meltdown, and announced the formation of...

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  • Canada: Political crisis postponed

    Canada: Political crisis postponed

    December 10, 2008

    VANCOUVER, B.C. — A political standoff between the rightwing Conservative Party government of Prime Minister Stephen Harper and the opposition that would have seen the Liberal Party and center-left New Democratic Party (NDP) form a coalition...

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  • EDITORIAL: Focus on policy

    EDITORIAL: Focus on policy

    December 6, 2008

    The process of governing has begun for President-elect Barack Obama, as the economic crisis deepens and a bloody attack in Mumbai, India, puts terrorism on top of our headlines. Given these enormous twin challenges, it is...

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  • Global labor needs a global stimulus

    Global labor needs a global stimulus

    November 26, 2008

    “Workers of the World Unite” is back by popular demand. And not just by demand, but by necessity. Global transnational corporations and their partners finance capital are working full time to craft an economic solution to...

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  • Facts on Venezuela

    Facts on Venezuela

    November 24, 2008

    Poll Shows Rising Satisfaction with Democracy in Venezuela A new survey published on November 14, 2008 by the respected Chilean polling firm Latinobarómetro finds that Venezuela has the region's highest rate of support for democracy as...

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