
  • Letters: Sept. 20, 2008

    Letters: Sept. 20, 2008

    September 20, 2008

    Heavy toll on Afghan children More reports coming out of Afghanistan indicate more dead children (“Protests grow over civilian deaths,” PWW 9/6-12). Civilian casualties are a perpetual reality in Afghanistan. In July, 47 were killed in...

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  • Liar, Liar

    Liar, Liar

    September 20, 2008

    Part 2Independent watchdog groups and, increasingly, mainstream media are debunking what many call an unprecedented number of distortions and smears put forward by John McCain as he attempts to lie his way into the White House....

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  • Letters – Sept. 13, 2008

    Letters – Sept. 13, 2008

    September 13, 2008

    What is a maverick? According to Webster a maverick is “a person who acts independently of any political party, faction, etc.” John McCain and Sarah Palin call themselves “mavericks.” However, when one examines their political record...

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  • Editorial: GOP meltdown

    Editorial: GOP meltdown

    September 5, 2008

    Unpopular President Bush is kept away from his party’s convention. Texas Republican Ron Paul holds a counter-convention of some 10,000 across town, reportedly with far-right ideologues like Grover “drown the government” Norquist in attendance. The Republican...

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  • Columbus reestablishes Labor Day

    Columbus reestablishes Labor Day

    September 3, 2008

    COLUMBUS, Ohio — More than 200 unionists, retirees, family members and friends poured into the IBEW Picnic Grounds here for the first Labor Day event held there in recent memory. “It’s been at least 25-30 years...

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