
  • Study: Latino voters favor Obama

    Study: Latino voters favor Obama

    August 22, 2008

    Nov. 4 could ultimately change the face of American politics and it is Latino voters who could make the difference. In a recent poll by the nationwide Pew Hispanic Center, Latinos are overwhelmingly supporting Sen. Barack...

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  • John McCains veterans problem

    John McCains veterans problem

    August 22, 2008

    John McCain has developed a veterans problem. In late May, McCain aided a Republican filibuster of the 21st Century GI Bill by refusing to return to the Senate for a key vote. In fact, McCain claimed...

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  • Paraguay enters new era

    Paraguay enters new era

    August 20, 2008 By W. T. Whitney Jr.

    Liberation theology proponent Fernando Lugo, a former Catholic bishop who has never before held political office, became Paraguay’s president Aug. 15 in ceremonies attended by heads of state and foreign guests.

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  • Listen to America…

    Listen to America…

    August 20, 2008

    In late July and early August, Listening to America/Platform for Change hearings across the country invited grassroots input for the 2008 Democratic national platform. Below is testimony by steelworker retiree Bruce Bostick at the Aug. 2...

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  • Morales scores victory

    Morales scores victory

    August 16, 2008

    The epic nature of today’s events in Bolivia flows from the long struggle between the country’s indigenous majority and a Europeanized ruling class, and from disparities between impoverished western highlands and four lowland eastern departments (states)...

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