
  • Environmental questions

    Environmental questions

    February 28, 2008

    DiálogoEcológico De los Redactores de E/La Revista Ecológica Querido DiálogoEcológico: He estado leyendo sobre los varios festivales verdes que se dan alrededor del país y quiero asistir a alguno y ponerme al día en aspectos medioambientales...

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  • Letters – Feb. 23, 2008

    Letters – Feb. 23, 2008

    February 22, 2008

    Numerology? It occurred to me that from the end of George Washington’s presidency (1800) to the end of Lincoln’s (l865) is 65 years. From the end of Lincoln’s to the beginning of FDR’s (1932) is 67...

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  • Letters – Feb. 16, 2008

    Letters – Feb. 16, 2008

    February 15, 2008

    Re: Climate change, what’s the problem? David Zink’s thoughtful article falls short in several respects (PWW 1/26-2/1). First, the solutions he proposes are modest, indeed, and tragically, the first item in his list is “advanced nuclear...

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  • Cuba, Brazil trade ideas, goods

    Cuba, Brazil trade ideas, goods

    February 15, 2008

    Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva visited Cuba in mid-January. He and his ministers signed agreements with their Cuban counterparts relating to credit, technical exchanges, trade and energy. On Jan. 15 Lula spent almost three...

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  • U.S. backs Bolivian separatists

    U.S. backs Bolivian separatists

    February 13, 2008

    “My immediate thought was ‘Oh my God! Somebody from the U.S. Embassy just asked me to basically spy for the U.S. Embassy.’” John van Schaick, a Fulbright scholar recently arrived in Bolivia, was reacting to diplomat...

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