
  • Milton Wolff, last Lincoln Brigade Commander

    Milton Wolff, last Lincoln Brigade Commander

    January 30, 2008

    Milton Wolff, a perennial symbol of U.S. working-class internationalism, died Jan. 14 in California at age 92. Born in Brooklyn of immigrant parents, the last commander of the Washington-Lincoln Brigades that fought fascism in Spain was...

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  • LETTERS: Jan. 26

    LETTERS: Jan. 26

    January 25, 2008

    Cost of war What taxpayers are spending for the Iraq war this year: $155.5 billion. What $155.5 billion could pay for: health care for 44,330,909 people. Source: National Priorities Project Torture This is a highly tardy...

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  • LETTERS: Jan. 19

    LETTERS: Jan. 19

    January 18, 2008

    ‘Right to work’ scam I sent this letter to the Oakland (Mich.) Press: The far-right is on the move again. These are people with heavy pockets and bulging bank accounts. And, by gosh, they are never...

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  • Plumbers, Unite Here endorse Obama

    Plumbers, Unite Here endorse Obama

    January 18, 2008

    Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama won the backing Jan. 9 of the 60,000-strong Culinary Workers Union in Nevada. The endorsement followed announcements by the 450,000-member parent union, Unite Here, and the national Plumbers and Pipefitters Union...

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  • Illegal immigrants, or undocumented ones?

    Illegal immigrants, or undocumented ones?

    January 11, 2008 By Barb Kucera

    Minneapolis artist Ricardo Levins has a bumper sticker that reads, “An injury to Juan is an injury to Al.” In a lighthearted way, that twist on the classic labor motto captures the meaning behind a resolution...

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