
  • LCLAA spells solidarity

    LCLAA spells solidarity

    August 11, 2006

    SAN ANTONIO — If anybody thought the working class is splintering under the American right wing’s battering ram, they could take heart from the convention of the Labor Council for Latin American Advancement (LCLAA), which concluded...

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    August 11, 2006

    CRAWFORD, Texas: Sheehan returns to Camp Casey “Last summer I made a commitment to be here every time George Bush was supposed to be on vacation,” said Gold Star peace mother Cindy Sheehan last week. Her...

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  • Dear Comrade Fidel Castro,

    Dear Comrade Fidel Castro,

    August 4, 2006

    We wish to extend to you and the Cuban people our very best wishes for a speedy recovery from your recent surgery. We hope you will be able to quickly resume your invaluable work in the...

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    August 4, 2006

    Qana in the last days of July 2006 “All the frankincense grown in the land is brought to Cane (Qana), as to a warehouse….” — Alexandrian merchant, 40-70 AD In this city now of rubble and...

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  • EDITORIAL: Poison pills

    EDITORIAL: Poison pills

    August 4, 2006

    Does the hard working woman refilling your coffee cup at the lunch counter look like she deserves a pay cut? That could be the outcome if the minimum wage bill, passed in the dead of the...

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