
  • Calif. agency probes insecticides

    Calif. agency probes insecticides

    July 21, 2006

    SACRAMENTO (AP) — California’s pesticide agency is conducting a review of popular insecticides because many are ending up in urban streams and killing tiny aquatic creatures. The review could lead to restrictions and even bans on...

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    July 21, 2006

    What if? What if India responded to the terrorist attacks in Mumbai (Bombay) in the same fashion as Israel is responding to the kidnapped soldier in Gaza and the Hezbollah bombings and kidnappings from Lebanon? Wouldn’t...

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  • CWA deploys soldiers for democracy

    CWA deploys soldiers for democracy

    July 21, 2006

    “A trained, motivated army of 50,000 stewards and activists to defend workers’ workplace interests will be deployed by the Communications Workers of America, according to a decision by its annual convention held July 10-11 in Las...

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  • FBI mosque raid sparks united outcry

    FBI mosque raid sparks united outcry

    July 21, 2006

    PITTSBURGH — As the mostly African American and Latino congregation was preparing for weekly Friday prayers at Light of the Age mosque here on June 30, a dozen FBI agents raided the building and lined up...

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    July 14, 2006

    Cuba and winds of change The following comments relate to an article I read in the May 21 issue of Granma International about recent discussion in Congress. Winds of change are blowing in regard to U.S./Cuba...

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