


    April 29, 2006

    Peaceful protesters picket perfectly Probably around last week I picked up the April 8-14 issue of People’s Weekly World in order to find an article for my Community Studies class. We were writing about activism in...

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  • Postpone drug plan deadline!

    Postpone drug plan deadline!

    April 29, 2006

    WASHINGTON (PAI) — The same labor-backed coalition that last year helped successfully derail GOP President George W. Bush’s Social Security privatization scheme has launched a campaign to get lawmakers to postpone the May 15 deadline seniors...

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    April 21, 2006

    In support of Title IX I just got through watching my niece’s high school basketball team play a tournament. It’s so inspiring to see these girl athletes — confident, smart, working together and strong. It makes...

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    April 21, 2006

    20,000 in Lafayette, La., challenge city to provide services Elections roll on amid protests Gov’s plan lacks affordable housing

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  • Was Barry Bonds targeted?

    Was Barry Bonds targeted?

    April 14, 2006

    Of all the bulked-up major league baseball players suspected of using steroids in the mid-to-late 1990s, how is it that Barry Bonds, baseball’s pre-eminent Black player, came to be Target No. 1 of federal investigators? Is...

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