
  • Forum reports Venezuelas advances

    Forum reports Venezuelas advances

    March 31, 2006

    CHICAGO — The dynamic, grassroots character of Venezuela’s Bolivarian revolution under President Hugo Chávez was vividly depicted at a forum here March 16 through words, music, slides and photos. The program featured eyewitness reports by Shelby...

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    March 25, 2006

    Immigrant rights goals David Bacon’s centerspread article on temporary worker programs (PWW 3/18-24) is an important contribution to the debate on immigration policy. It sharply raises the dangers of “temporary” or “guest worker” programs for their...

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    March 21, 2006

    Danger to Iran I was glad to see the article “U.S. readying military attack on Iran” by Mark Almberg (PWW 3/11-17) underscoring the danger of a U.S. attack or perhaps U.S./Israeli attack on Iran. Having just...

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    March 10, 2006

    Asbestos puts Montana children at risk I don’t know if you’ve heard of my town (Libby, Mont.) but we have the highest asbestos levels in the nation thanks to W.R. Grace’s mines. Over half the people...

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  • EDITORIAL: Republican hypocrisy

    EDITORIAL: Republican hypocrisy

    March 10, 2006

    Republican senators bowed to the White House March 7, dropping their opposition to warrantless wiretapping by the National Security Agency in exchange for a fig-leaf concession by President Bush. The deal, concocted by Vice President Dick...

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