On U.S. tour, Iraqi unionists reject oil grab
June 15, 2007Labor leaders call for end to occupation SAN FRANCISCO — To judge by most U.S. media, the daily slaughter of Iraqis and the ever-climbing death toll among U.S. occupation forces sum up reality in Iraq. We...
Read moreBenchmark No. 1: Privatizing Iraqs oil for U.S. companies
June 8, 2007On May 24, the U.S. Congress voted to continue the war in Iraq. The members called it “supporting the troops.” I call it stealing Iraq’s oil — the second largest reserves in the world. The “benchmark,”...
Read moreEDITORIAL: 40 years later
June 8, 2007When Israeli Communist Meir Vilner co-signed Israel’s Independence Charter on May 14, 1948, he, and the Jewish/Arab Palestine Communist Party he was representing, stressed the promise contained within the charter: to help implement the United Nations...
Read moreMassachusetts candidates debate Iraq war
June 8, 2007CHELMSFORD, Mass. — More than a hundred people packed the Chelmsford police station May 23 to hear five candidates seeking to replace Rep. Martin Meehan (D-5th C.D.). Meehan is stepping down from Congress to become chancellor...
Read more50 years in Iraq?
June 8, 2007WASHINGTON — Disbelief greeted the White House admission that President George W. Bush envisions U.S. occupation of Iraq for 50 years, modeled on the more than half-century U.S. occupation of South Korea. Bush’s press secretary, Tony...
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