
  • The dubious history of a slogan

    The dubious history of a slogan

    May 25, 2007 By Tim Wheeler

    When I hear activists opposed to the Iraq war chant, “Out Now,” it brings back memories of 1971, when the slogan “Out Now” was a cause for sharp division in the movement to end the Vietnam...

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  • Say no to war funding

    Say no to war funding

    May 25, 2007

    Anger. Frustration. This is what many opposed to the Iraq war felt after hearing that the Democratic leadership will pull deadlines for troop withdrawal from the funding bill. We are angry that the Bush administration launched...

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  • Afghanistan, the other war

    Afghanistan, the other war

    May 25, 2007

    “We know that true peace will only be achieved when we give the Afghan people the means to achieve their own aspirations. Peace will be achieved by helping Afghanistan develop its own stable government. ... We...

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  • As Gaza burns, U.S. activists protest Israeli occupation

    As Gaza burns, U.S. activists protest Israeli occupation

    May 25, 2007

    As the 40th anniversary of the Six Day War and the ensuing Israeli occupation of Palestinian territory approaches, violence has once again flared up in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, especially in the Gaza Strip. Meanwhile, peace activists...

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  • Soldiers, vets on Memorial Day: bring troops home

    Soldiers, vets on Memorial Day: bring troops home

    May 25, 2007

    Thinking about the war dead on Memorial Day, “the most important thing is the people who are still there — caring for them, bringing them home,” said Toby, an Army vet from Indiana who served 15...

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