
  • Chicago protesters call for Haddads release

    Chicago protesters call for Haddads release

    February 22, 2002

    CHICAGO – Noisy chanting pickets marched in front of the Immigration and Naturalization Center here Feb. 12 to denounce the jailing of Rabih Haddad, a Lebanese citizen charged with a technical visa violation. Authorities have also...

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  • The predators in lending

    The predators in lending

    February 22, 2002 By Fred Gaboury

    While Ken Lay and the folks at Enron may be the biggest money-grubbers of all time, the people who make loans for people to purchase a home or refinance their mortgage are no amateurs when it...

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  • Congress sustains farm subsidies

    Congress sustains farm subsidies

    February 22, 2002 By Brenda Crawford-Clark

    The Senate and House of Representatives have passed sharply differing versions of a new farm bill but both would continue substantial farm price subsidies, which are vital for the vast majority of American farmers.

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  • Mechanics nearly walked

    Mechanics nearly walked

    February 22, 2002

    CHICAGO – United Airlines (UAL) mechanics and maintenance workers around the country were poised to walk off the job Feb. 12. Here in Chicago many had already cleaned out their lockers. Capping a two-year, sometimes bitter...

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  • Ohio schoolworkers win strike

    Ohio schoolworkers win strike

    February 22, 2002

    NEWS ANALYSIS JEFFERSON, Ohio – The schoolworkers in Jefferson Village in Ashtabula County, Ohio, have won their battle to save their union contract, wages and benefits. The 92 members of the Ohio Association of Public School...

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