
  • Build the movement for better care

    Build the movement for better care

    February 22, 2002

    An article in the Oct. 25, 2001 edition of the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) put it simply: “Although the U.S. health care system is often touted as one of the best in the...

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  • Bush ignores equality issues in State of Union

    Bush ignores equality issues in State of Union

    February 22, 2002

    While mentioning increasing “minority homeownership,” for the most part George W. Bush was mum on issues affecting African-Americans, Latinos and other communities of color in his State of the Union address Jan. 29.

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  • 50,000 in Brazil proclaim:Another world is possible

    50,000 in Brazil proclaim:Another world is possible

    February 22, 2002 By Jessica Marshall

    PORTO ALEGRE, Brazil – While thousands took to the street the week of Jan. 28 to protest the World Economic Forum in New York City, an estimated 60,000 people joined together here in proclaiming “Another World...

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  • CPUSA leaders honor Dr. James E. Jackson

    CPUSA leaders honor Dr. James E. Jackson

    February 22, 2002 By Evelina Alarcon

    The Feb. 9-10 meeting of the National Committee of the Communist Party USA was marked by a stirring tribute to veteran Communist leader Dr. James E. Jackson.

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  • Get on the for justice

    Get on the for justice bus

    February 22, 2002 By Evelina Alarcon

    PITTSBURGH – Steel corporations are down, but steelworkers, clergy, elected officials and supporters are going to be rolling to the White House Feb. 28, demanding that President Bush act immediately on recommendations from the International Trade...

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