
  • Illinois budget debate breaks along class lines

    Illinois budget debate breaks along class lines

    February 8, 2002

    CHICAGO – Like most states, Illinois finds its budget severely stressed. Gov. George Ryan has informed the legislature of an almost $700 million deficit and outlined a program of drastic budget cuts. Critics of the cuts,...

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  • Conyers speaks about reparations

    Conyers speaks about reparations

    February 8, 2002

    ANN ARBOR, Mich. – Rep. John Conyers (D-Mich.) talked of the “legitimacy and the necessity of the study of reparations” for the enslavement of African Americans in a speech at the University of Michigan last week....

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  • Pediatricians support adoptions by gays

    Pediatricians support adoptions by gays

    February 8, 2002 By Evelina Alarcon

    CHICAGO – The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), an organization of 55,000 primary care pediatricians, pediatric medical subspecialists and pediatric surgical specialists, said in a news realease Jan. 30 that children who are born to, or...

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  • Bushs war on poor attacks Medicaid

    Bushs war on poor attacks Medicaid

    February 8, 2002

    President Bush and the Congressional right wing are planning to fund their war budget at the expense of poor people. As a result of increasing unemployment, continued recession and the lingering effects of the World Trade...

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  • Carousel strikers take on corporate giant

    Carousel strikers take on corporate giant

    February 8, 2002

    NORTH CHICAGO, Ill. – On Feb. 1 Carousel Linen strikers and 100 supporters rallied across the street from the sprawling industrial complex of global pharmaceutical monopoly, Abbott Laboratories. Abbott is Carousel’s last remaining large client and...

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