
  • New Mexico teachers:Today is the rainy day

    New Mexico teachers:Today is the rainy day

    February 8, 2002

    SANTA FE, N.M. – Nearly 2,000 union members and community activists took to the streets here Feb. 2 as part of the biggest New Mexico Jobs Day demonstration ever. Since the strident anti-labor Governor Gary Johnson...

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  • Janitors want a raise after almost 30 years

    Janitors want a raise after almost 30 years

    February 8, 2002

    ST. LOUIS – On Jan. 26, over 400 members of Service Employees International Union (SEIU) Local 50 voted unanimously to go on strike. Local 50, which represents over 3,000 custodial and janitorial employees in the St....

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  • Eliminating racist team names is not a trivial issue

    Eliminating racist team names is not a trivial issue

    February 8, 2002

    Is the demand for an end to the use of American Indian team names, mascots, and logos too trivial or divisive an issue for trade unionists and people of all races to support? On the contrary,...

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  • Education not incarceration

    Education not incarceration

    February 8, 2002

    Most of President Bush’s State of the Union address was devoted to declaring himself ruler of the entire world, without having won any election, but he did take some time out to talk about the economy....

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  • Education not incarceration

    Education not incarceration

    February 8, 2002

    COMENTRARY The most industrialized nation in the world, the United States, does not have the highest literacy rate in the world. However, it does have the distinction of claiming the highest percentage of incarcerated citizens. Young...

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