
  • Charleston Five agreement detailed

    Charleston Five agreement detailed

    November 22, 2001

    CHARLESTON, S.C. – In a stunning reversal, the Charleston Five, union longshoremen who spent nearly 20 months under house arrest for daring to picket a non-union shipping company, were freed after South Carolina Attorney General Charles...

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  • Seattle protests FBI raid

    Seattle protests FBI raid

    November 22, 2001

    SEATTLE – Chanting, “Being a Muslim is not a crime,” more than 200 people marched here Nov. 7 to support civil rights for Somalian residents. Immigrants from the east African country were joined by others to...

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  • Rally blasts Bush giveaways to rich

    Rally blasts Bush giveaways to rich

    November 22, 2001

    CHICAGO – Several hundred people, including many who were attending the national convention of USA Action, rallied in the State of Illinois Plaza here Sept. 14 to denounce the Bush administration’s giveaways to the rich and...

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  • NYC firefighters fight City Hall and win

    NYC firefighters fight City Hall and win

    November 22, 2001

    COMMENTARY NEW YORK – Amidst the burning rubble of the World Trade Center, firefighters continue to extinguish the two-month-old fires and search for the remains of thousands still buried there. Just as it should be. The...

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  • NYC homeless and hungry grows after 9/11

    NYC homeless and hungry grows after 9/11

    November 22, 2001

    NEW YORK – The number of homeless and hungry in New York City is increasing. The Coalition for the Homeless says the lack of affordable housing, the downturn in the economy and the Sept. 11 terrorist...

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