
  • Conyers challenges Bush on tribunals

    Conyers challenges Bush on tribunals

    November 22, 2001

    WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressman Conyers and other Members of Congress hold press conference to express concerns regarding the administration’s actions on Military Tribunals and Anti-terrorism. Congressman John Conyers, Jr. (D-Mich.), ranking member of the House Judiciary...

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  • Private airport security firms get the boot

    Private airport security firms get the boot

    November 22, 2001

    Privatization, the holy Grail of the ultra-right, has taken some heavy hits since the Sept. 11 terrorist attack and not just because the heroes were public employees – firefighters, emergency medical workers and the police. The...

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  • Peoples Weekly World: An alternative news source that needs your support!

    Peoples Weekly World: An alternative news source that needs your support!

    November 22, 2001

    After the record-breaking fund drive of National Public Radio, it is clear people want to hear the stories from the alternative media. The alternatative media reports the stories censored by the corporate media. The People’s Weekly...

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  • They had no turkey for Thanksgiving

    They had no turkey for Thanksgiving

    November 22, 2001 By Fred Gaboury

    When I talked to her the Monday before Thanksgiving, Carolina Morales was standing in line at the food pantry run by St. Maurice Catholic Church in Chicago’s Southwest side. She had come to pick up sacks...

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  • False friend wrote the book on backstabbing

    False friend wrote the book on backstabbing

    November 17, 2001

    The Communist Party in Maryland, 1919-57, by Vernon L. Pedersen, University of Illinois Press, Urbana & Chicago 2001. The Communist Party in Maryland, 1919-57, is a strange book by an even stranger author. Vernon Pedersen appeared...

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