
  • Chicago marks peace day

    Chicago marks peace day

    November 17, 2001

    CHICAGO – A throng of at least 600 people gathered on the shores of the Chicago River and marched through the downtown area on Nov. 7, the National Day of Peace Response. The American Friends Service...

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  • More women lack health insurance

    More women lack health insurance

    November 17, 2001 By Fred Gaboury

    A report issued by The Commonwealth Fund on Aug. 30 says the number of uninsured women between the ages of 18 and 64 grew three times faster than the number of uninsured men.

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  • Knesset limits democratic rights

    Knesset limits democratic rights

    November 17, 2001

    TEL AVIV – Last week, the Knesset, the Israeli Parliament, adopted two unprecedented racist resolutions. For the first time in the Israeli state’s history, the parliamentary immunity of an Arab Member of Knesset, Azmi Bishara of...

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  • Fast Track  back from the dead

    Fast Track back from the dead

    November 17, 2001

    SAN FRANCISCO – On Sept. 12, Fast Track came back from the dead. The proposal to give the Bush administration new trade negotiation authority, which had no chance of passage through Congress earlier this year, was...

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  • Immigrants built this country, strikers say

    Immigrants built this country, strikers say

    November 17, 2001

    HIGHWOOD, Ill. – A black coffin was placed beneath the speakers’ platform by pallbearers made up of striking Carousel Linen workers. The coffin signified scab labor, low wages and rotten working conditions, which strikers are determined...

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