
  • New count: possible Gore win

    New count: possible Gore win

    November 17, 2001

    An examination of all 175,010 uncounted ballots from Florida’s disputed 2000 presidential election revealed that Democrat Al Gore could have eked out a victory over George W. Bush, though he would have won by a razor-thin...

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  • Tobacco giant in drug scam

    Tobacco giant in drug scam

    November 17, 2001

    LONDON, England – Anti-smoking campaigners yesterday condemned a tobacco giant for cashing in on cancer. Japan Tobacco, makers of Camel and Winston, have signed a deal with a biotech company for exclusive rights to market cancer...

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  • Terrorism panel pushes national ID cards

    Terrorism panel pushes national ID cards

    November 17, 2001

    ALBANY, N.Y. – A special anti-terrorism committee created in the wake of the Sept. 11 terrorist attack on the World Trade Center will call for the creation of a national identification card system, reported WNBC in...

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  • Make workers’ voices heard

    Make workers’ voices heard

    November 17, 2001

    NEW HAVEN, Conn. – The union hall in New Haven was filled Nov. 13, as Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro addressed the crowd of unionists clergy and community activists. “Our goal is to make sure workers, not just...

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  • Growing boycott aids V&V Supremo strikers

    Growing boycott aids V&V Supremo strikers

    November 17, 2001

    CHICAGO – With the cold winter weather approaching, solidarity with striking V&V Supremo workers is heating up. The workers, who have been on strike here since May 29, have remained united despite company efforts to break...

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