
  • Our 2001 Fund Drive – the first $ 100,000

    Our 2001 Fund Drive – the first $ 100,000

    November 1, 2001 By Fred Gaboury

    It took a little longer than we had hoped but as of Oct. 12 we had raised our first $100,000 - $102,579 to be exact. Two states - Virginia and Maine - are over the top,...

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  • New York City – one month later

    New York City – one month later

    November 1, 2001

    NEW YORK - One month can sometimes feel like a lifetime. For many, each day is marked by the struggle to recover. It's another step towards an uncertain future. Sept. 11 has forever changed the city....

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  • Middle East peace: One step forward, two steps back

    Middle East peace: One step forward, two steps back

    November 1, 2001

    Palestinian gunmen assassinated far-right Israeli cabinet minister Rehavam Ze'evy Oct. 17, throwing U.S.-led peace efforts into turmoil. Palestinian President Yasser Arafat condemned the killing. Prime Minister Ariel Sharon told an emergency security meeting 'everything had changed'...

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  • Many working class films at Toronto fest

    Many working class films at Toronto fest

    November 1, 2001

    The working class is seldom represented in Hollywood films, and rarely shown in a positive light. Union struggles are even scarcer on the silver screen. You have to assume that, as the film industry rewrites history,...

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  • Laundry workers strike for union recognition

    Laundry workers strike for union recognition

    November 1, 2001

    HIGHWOOD, Ill. - Thirty-eight Mexican immigrant industrial laundry workers went on strike Oct. 5 in this northern Chicago suburb. The workers are on strike against Carosel Linens to gain union recognition and for better wages, benefits...

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