
  • Fast track is the wrong track

    Fast track is the wrong track

    November 1, 2001

    NASHVILLE, Tenn. - In Tennessee, we have felt the loss of more than 25,000 textile and industrial jobs due to the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). Many of these jobs were union jobs that paid...

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  • Crisis spurs need for action

    Crisis spurs need for action

    November 1, 2001

    The crisis in everyday living that too many people face in our country generated a national health movement that has been pressuring local, state and national government officials to protect the public's health. Even before Sept....

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  • Congress stiffs workers

    Congress stiffs workers

    November 1, 2001 By Fred Gaboury

    AFL-CIO President John Sweeney said the Senate filibuster that defeated legislation providing immediate aid for the 140,000 airline workers who will be laid off as a result of the Sept. 11 terrorist attack 'signals an intention...

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  • Companies using war to deny workers needs

    Companies using war to deny workers needs

    November 1, 2001

    Many things have changed in the period since the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks and the bombing of Afghanistan. It is not surprising that corporate America and conservative public officials have moved quickly to use the war...

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  • Colombian union leader killed

    Colombian union leader killed

    November 1, 2001

    Gustavo Soler, president of the El Paso section of the energy workers' union Sintramienergetica, has been murdered in Colombia. His death adds one more name to the long list of Colombians slain for defending workers' rights....

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