
  • Bush  a terrorists best friend

    Bush a terrorists best friend

    June 18, 2008

    “We are coming to the end of a terrible stage. The end of our struggle is near.” This last was a reference to former Cuban President Fidel Castro’s health problems. The speaker moved on to work...

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  • Lack of workers rights in U.S.
scored by international labor coalition

    Lack of workers rights in U.S. scored by international labor coalition

    June 17, 2008

    The International Trades Union Congress, which met June 9-11 in Geneva, assailed the lack of workers’ rights in the United States. The ITUC also called on the World Trade Organization to take up the issue at...

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  • House finally passes bill
extending jobless benefits

    House finally passes bill extending jobless benefits

    June 17, 2008

    The Democratic controlled House passed a bill June 12 extending unemployment benefits from 26 weeks to 39 weeks in most states and to 52 weeks in states with official unemployment rates of 6 percent or more....

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  • Most unions backing Obama

    Most unions backing Obama

    June 17, 2008

    Unions that were either neutral or backing Hillary Clinton during the Democratic primaries are rapidly endorsing Barack Obama. Among those announcing this week that they will back Obama are the United Auto Workers, the United Transportation...

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  • Reality check needed

    Reality check needed

    June 14, 2008

    After the government announced June 6 that last month’s jump in the unemployment rate was the worst in more than 20 years, a few corporate mouthpieces admitted that the economy might have “stalled.” Their modest admission...

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