
  • Bush not welcome in Arizona

    Bush not welcome in Arizona

    June 4, 2008

    Growing popular opposition to the ultra right agenda of Sen. John McCain had President George Bush on the run in McCain's home state. The McCain campaign cancelled a May 27 fund raising appearance by Bush at...

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  • Workers receive un-kosher treatment, and other labor stories

    Workers receive un-kosher treatment, and other labor stories

    June 3, 2008

    Fed workers, like others, can sue By a 6-3 margin, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled May 27 that federal workers, like private sector workers, can sue when their employer retaliates against them for filing discrimination claims....

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  • Justice bus confronts employers in Houston

    Justice bus confronts employers in Houston

    June 3, 2008 By James Thompson

    The Harris County AFL-CIO Seventh Justice Bus stopped at 10 worksites in the Houston area on May 13. The aim of the visits was to cite employers for either their good or bad treatment of workers...

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  • American Axle workers take cuts, hope to fight another day

    American Axle workers take cuts, hope to fight another day

    May 28, 2008

    Three decades of right-wing attacks on the labor and peoples movements have taken their toll but workers continue to fight back, winning some battles and losing others. After three months out on the picket line, workers...

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  • Dublin confab would ban cluster bombs

    Dublin confab would ban cluster bombs

    May 28, 2008

    New Yorker Mark Garlasco knew why he was in Dublin, Ireland representing Human Rights Watch. “I have seen cluster munitions used across the world,” he told Al Jazeera. “These are the types of weapons that should...

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