
  • EDITORIAL: Stop scapegoating immigrants!

    EDITORIAL: Stop scapegoating immigrants!

    March 28, 2008

    The Republican leaders in Congress and the Bush administration continue trying to score points in an election year by using undocumented immigrants as scapegoats for their owned failed policies. The GOP House leadership, abetted by a...

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  • Flying the frightful skies: Outsourcing and deregulation make their mark

    Flying the frightful skies: Outsourcing and deregulation make their mark

    March 28, 2008

    The prevailing notion has been that being killed by a fall in the shower or an object falling from a tall building is more likely than dying in a plane crash. But these days fear of...

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  • The speech that moved the nation

    The speech that moved the nation

    March 26, 2008

    Barack Obama made a magnificent contribution to the fight against racism and for unity in his March 18 speech on race. He gave the speech after a week of racist, McCarthy-like hysteria over out-of-context snippets from...

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  • Paying for biofuels in your supermarket

    Paying for biofuels in your supermarket

    March 26, 2008

    On March 12, representatives of about 80 of America's largest baking companies, representing more than 85 percent of our baking industry, marched in Washington to protest the dangerously low supplies of wheat, rye and other grains....

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  • Millions greet Obama call for ‘perfect union’

    Millions greet Obama call for ‘perfect union’

    March 26, 2008

    Barack Obama’s appeal to the people to join in building a “more perfect union” touched a deep chord among the American people weary of the politics of division and hate as practiced by the corporate ultra-right...

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