
  • 40 years later: Milton Rogovin photos inspire Chilean journey

    40 years later: Milton Rogovin photos inspire Chilean journey

    March 21, 2008

    Sometimes a picture says it all. The stunning and beautiful work of social documentary photographer Milton Rogovin, now 98, illustrates the humanity of working people, the poor and society’s “forgotten ones.” Rogovin’s lens has illuminated prominent...

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  • NAFTA, Obama and Clinton

    NAFTA, Obama and Clinton

    March 21, 2008

    Both Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton have issued statements criticizing the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and calling for its renegotiation. This produced uproar. The Mexican government, which told its people that renegotiation was impossible...

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  • Inequality, women and the working class

    Inequality, women and the working class

    March 21, 2008

    To be unequal is a harsh reality. We grew up in the USA under the belief system that all men are created equal. Historically, that concept was a great advance in opposition to the concept of...

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  • Letters – March 22, 2008

    Letters – March 22, 2008

    March 21, 2008

    McCain and the moderate mythJohn McCain! If that name doesn’t scare you yet, it really should. More than a few Americans still believe, in spite of the facts (those silly little things), that McCain is a...

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  • Tibet: Whats behind the protests?

    Tibet: Whats behind the protests?

    March 21, 2008

    As preparations pick up steam for this summer’s Beijing Olympics, the world has looked with growing dismay at the violence associated with protests seeking independence for Tibet. While casualty figures are conflicting, it is tragic that...

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