
  • Iraq vet ‘winter soldiers’ appeal for end to war

    Iraq vet ‘winter soldiers’ appeal for end to war

    March 21, 2008

    Soldier Camilo Mejia, who spent nine months in prison for refusing to return to Iraq combat, appealed for an outpouring of resistance to the Iraq war as it enters its sixth year with no end in...

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  • Pennsylvania heats up for primary

    Pennsylvania heats up for primary

    March 21, 2008

    PHILADELPHIA — The 2008 presidential primary campaign heated up this week in Pennsylvania’s two largest cities, where both Democratic candidates plan to do well in the April 22 vote. There are 158 delegates at stake and...

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  • Medical student association demands healthcare for all

    Medical student association demands healthcare for all

    March 21, 2008 By James Thompson

    HOUSTON – About 1,000 medical students and their supporters held a rally here at city hall Mar. 14 to demand healthcare for all. The event was organized by the American Medical Student Association (AMSA) as part...

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  • Keeping your hands clean and green

    Keeping your hands clean and green

    March 21, 2008

    EARTH TALK From the Editors of E/The Environmental Magazine Dear EarthTalk: My pediatrician swears by those gel hand sanitizers for lowering the risk of my family getting sick during cold and flu season. But I’ve also...

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  • Needed: a new New Deal

    Needed: a new New Deal

    March 19, 2008

    Seventy-six years ago, in the depths of the Great Depression, with jobless workers selling apples on street corners and millions turned out of their homes, Franklin Delano Roosevelt accepted the Democratic presidential nomination calling for a...

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