
  • Coalition launches drive to oust GOP

    Coalition launches drive to oust GOP

    March 19, 2008

    WASHINGTON — Thousands at the “Take Back America” conference here March 17-19 cheered as speakers called for a concerted get-out-the-vote drive to end 30 years of right-wing Republican dominance and open the way for progressive change....

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  • Free speech? Not in Troy, N.Y.

    Free speech? Not in Troy, N.Y.

    March 19, 2008

    TROY, N.Y.—An exhibit by Iraqi-born digital media artist Wafaa Bilal at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI) in Troy, NY, a suburb of Albany, was suspended by school administrators earlier this month “pending a more complete review of...

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  • Inequality, women and the working class

    Inequality, women and the working class

    March 18, 2008

    To be unequal is a harsh reality. We grew up in the USA under the belief system that all men are created equal. Historically, that concept was a great advance in opposition to the concept of...

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  • NAFTA, Obama and Clinton

    NAFTA, Obama and Clinton

    March 18, 2008

    Both Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton have issued statements criticizing the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and calling for its renegotiation. This produced uproar. The Mexican government, which told its people that renegotiation was impossible...

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  • We are Barry Bonds

    We are Barry Bonds

    March 18, 2008 By Philip Shabecoff

    The news has been filled in recent months with stories about the surreptitious use of performance enhancing drugs by many of our sports heroes. Superstars like Barry Bonds, Roger Clemens and Marion Jones reportedly have used...

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