
  • A historic reintroduction

    A historic reintroduction

    July 31, 2009

    The word is out. On Sept. 1, the Peoples World launches a brand new state-of-the art website for the recently re-emerged daily working-class Marxist press in United States. The new format has the potential of dramatically...

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  • Big lies vs. health reform

    Big lies vs. health reform

    July 31, 2009

    Labor and other analysts are noting that a virtual river of lies now being pumped into millions of American homes via the mass media underlies much of the confusion about health care reform. Turning their noses...

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  • Calif. resolution apologizes to Chinese Americans

    Calif. resolution apologizes to Chinese Americans

    July 31, 2009

    Though attention has focused largely on the state budget, among other issues the California legislature has dealt with this year is a unanimously-passed resolution recognizing the great contributions people of Chinese origin have made to the...

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  • Chicago postpones action on new Wal-Mart stores

    Chicago postpones action on new Wal-Mart stores

    July 31, 2009 By John Bachtell

    CHICAGO – For the moment, the Wal-Mart monster has been held at bay. Standing up to immense pressure by the retail giant to open new stores in Chicago, the City Council postponed a decision allowing construction...

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  • For many, state budgets cuts are life-or-death issue

    For many, state budgets cuts are life-or-death issue

    July 31, 2009

    ST. LOUIS - Melanie Shouse has a hard road to travel. Not only is she fighting breast cancer, she's also fighting the health care industry. As a small business owner, she could only afford a catastrophic...

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