
  • COMMENTARY: Obama’s budget could do more for single moms

    COMMENTARY: Obama’s budget could do more for single moms

    March 20, 2009

    Original source: (WOMENSENEWS)--President Obama says we are entering a new era of financial responsibility. Single mothers have always done more with less; they know all about that. But economic solutions rarely focus on how to help...

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  • Marijuana legalisation creates buzz

    Marijuana legalisation creates buzz

    March 19, 2009

    WASHINGTON, Mar 18 (IPS) - Due perhaps in part to the country's economic woes, but also a major shift in political culture, discussion of marijuana legalisation has risen to a level of openness and prominence previously...

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  • Michael Jackson planning more surgery

    Michael Jackson planning more surgery

    March 19, 2009

    Michael Jackson wants to change his face. The 'Thriller' singer - who will perform 50 shows at The O2 arena, in London, starting in July - is reportedly planning to have plastic surgery to ensure he...

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  • Windsor auto workers seize shuttered plant

    Windsor auto workers seize shuttered plant

    March 19, 2009

    Original source: (CBC) - A group of workers at a recently closed auto parts supply company in Windsor, Ontario, Canada have taken over the plant. In the latest twist in a saga that has been brewing...

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  • We got bills to pay too

    We got bills to pay too

    March 19, 2009

    CHICAGO - It's a warm, sunny March day. On a deserted street of windowless factories, suddenly a boisterous protest pops into view. A picket line is circling in front of Fillip Metal Cabinet Co., maker of...

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