
  • Raising awareness about poison prevention

    Raising awareness about poison prevention

    March 17, 2009

    National Poison Prevention Week is March 15-21. The goal is to increase awareness of the danger to children of unintentional exposures from pesticides and household products. The Environmental Protection Agency encourages parents and caregivers to lock...

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  • Celebrate Deaf History Month March 13 – April 15, 2009

    Celebrate Deaf History Month March 13 – April 15, 2009

    March 17, 2009 By Alice L. Hagemeyer

    Most American public libraries own or have access to books and videos related to American Sign Language, deaf culture and history. The public is also encouraged to look up information at the library or on the...

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  • A fish a day keeps stupidity at bay

    A fish a day keeps stupidity at bay

    March 16, 2009

    Teenage Boys Who Eat Fish At Least Once A Week Achieve Higher Intelligence Scores New research has found that 15-year-old males Fifteen-year-old males who ate fish at least once a week displayed higher cognitive skills at...

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  • Protesting a foreclosure auction

    Protesting a foreclosure auction

    March 15, 2009

    (Editor's Note: The foreclosure protest took place on Saturday, March 14 in Oakland. Photos by David Bacon were uploaded to Facebook. Used with permission). On the steps of the Alameda County Courthouse, community activists in the...

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  • Foreclosures, recession hit renters hard

    Foreclosures, recession hit renters hard

    March 15, 2009 By Jessica Paquette

    Though legislators are currently paying more attention to homeowners, renters are among the most adversely affected by the foreclosure crisis and the recession.

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