An American outrage: Bernie, AIG, and us
March 24, 2009There have now been more than 4,000 deaths and 30,000 casualties of American military in the war in Iraq. More than 100,000 Iraqis and others, most of them civilian, have also been killed in what is...
Read moreLatino Fest in the Fray of Pop Culture’s Lucha Libre
March 24, 2009SAN DIEGO, California, Mar 22 (IPS) - The San Diego Latino Film Festival is perhaps the biggest little film festival most people outside of Southern California have never heard of. Big because the festival showcases the...
Read moreMarch Madness: 30 percent player turnover mars tourney teams
March 23, 2009Original source: AFL-CIO Blog This weekend, and for the next two of college basketball’s “March Madness,” tens of millions of TV viewers will be tuning into the National Collegiate Athletic Association’s (NCAA’s) tournament. They’ll be cheering...
Read moreCOMMENTARY: Gall and Cheney
March 22, 2009Hell hath no fury like an ex-Vice President scorned. Or so it seems. Former Vice President Dick Cheney, still smarting over the fact that former President George W. Bush failed to grant a full and complete...
Read moreThe death and life of great American newspapers
March 22, 2009After years of neglecting signs of trouble, elite opinion-makers have begun in recent months to recognize that things have gone horribly awry.
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