
  • Arctic eyewitness

    Arctic eyewitness

    September 9, 2008

    The Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (pro-oil groups prefer its foreign-sounding acronym, ANWR) is ground zero in the War on the Environment. If the oil companies win the fight to drill there, no place will be off-limits...

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  • Chicago students back to school after two-day boycott

    Chicago students back to school after two-day boycott

    September 5, 2008

    CHICAGO – On the first day of the new school year public schools opened its doors to more than 400,000 students here on Sept. 2. But not every student showed up. Some 1,400 African American students...

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  • Angelenos call: Good jobs, dignity, elect Obama

    Angelenos call: Good jobs, dignity, elect Obama

    September 5, 2008

    LOS ANGELES — “From Labor Day to Election Day we are in the final stretch of our Fight for Good Jobs campaign and we must sprint to the finish on Nov. 4” with a voter turnout...

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  • Running from their record on hurricanes

    Running from their record on hurricanes

    September 5, 2008

    As hurricanes Hanna and Ike threatened the East and Gulf Coasts, respectively, after Gustav slammed into Louisiana, critics charged that the GOP is trying to draw attention away from John McCain’s support for government neglect of...

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  • McCains far-right VP stirs sharp opposition

    McCains far-right VP stirs sharp opposition

    September 5, 2008

    John McCain’s choice of Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin as his running mate stirred sharp opposition from women’s organizations, the labor movement, environmental groups and others. Many see it as plunging the McCain campaign further into the...

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