March 21: International day for elimination of racism
March 22, 2009Original source: The global economic crisis cannot be successfully resolved if the solution leaves out workers who are discriminated against because of their race or ethnic origin. As unemployment rises around the world, so, too, are...
Read moreAt failed firms, no bad deed goes unrewarded
March 21, 2009SAN FRANCISCO, Mar 20 (IPS) - Thousands of angry U.S. workers took to the streets Thursday to protest some major banks and insurance companies that have handed out extravagant bonuses on the taxpayers' dime, as the...
Read moreNew Mexico repeals death penalty
March 21, 2009Source: Civilrights.org New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson signed legislation today abolishing the death penalty in New Mexico, making it the second state to repeal the death penalty since a U.S. Supreme Court decision reinstated it in...
Read moreCOMMENTARY: Obama’s budget could do more for single moms
March 20, 2009Original source: (WOMENSENEWS)--President Obama says we are entering a new era of financial responsibility. Single mothers have always done more with less; they know all about that. But economic solutions rarely focus on how to help...
Read moreMarijuana legalisation creates buzz
March 19, 2009WASHINGTON, Mar 18 (IPS) - Due perhaps in part to the country's economic woes, but also a major shift in political culture, discussion of marijuana legalisation has risen to a level of openness and prominence previously...
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