
  • Stop the ICE raids now

    Stop the ICE raids now

    May 30, 2008

    The headlines say it all: “900 nabbed in state on immigration charges,” “A raid on fairness,” “Immigration raids terrify kids, House is told.” In the last two months, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents have swept...

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  • Wishing labors lion well

    Wishing labors lion well

    May 30, 2008

    Senate Labor Committee Chairman Edward Kennedy (D-Mass.) is receiving millions of notes of encouragement in his battle against an inoperable brain tumor. The outpouring reflects Kennedy’s decades of championing of labor and social justice issues and...

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  • American Axle workers take cuts, hope to fight another day

    American Axle workers take cuts, hope to fight another day

    May 30, 2008

    Three decades of right-wing attacks on the labor and peoples movements have taken their toll ,but workers continue to fight back, winning some battles and losing others. After three months out on the picket line, workers...

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  • After 13 weeks, a slap in the face

    After 13 weeks, a slap in the face

    May 30, 2008 By J.G. Belleville

    I have written tons of letters and blogs the past few months but I have been so overwhelmed with this that I really wasn’t sure of my thoughts.

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  • Indian workers stage D.C. hunger strike

    Indian workers stage D.C. hunger strike

    May 30, 2008

    A group of Indian “guest” workers and their supporters in the U.S. labor movement rallied at the Capitol May 20 after the workers staged a six-day “water only” hunger strike at the White House. The workers...

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