
  • Governors latest budget proposals: Gambling with Californias future

    Governors latest budget proposals: Gambling with Californias future

    May 30, 2008

    As the implications sink in, a new poll shows a majority of Californians reject Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger’s latest proposals to deal with a $15.2 billion deficit in the state’s budget for the coming fiscal year. Though...

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  • Republicans run from Bush

    Republicans run from Bush

    May 30, 2008

    Congress overrides presidental veto Lawmakers feeling the heat of angry voters are beginning to cast votes aimed at helping ease the crisis despite the threat of vetoes by President Bush. Especially dramatic is the shift among...

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  • Republicans run from Bush

    Republicans run from Bush

    May 30, 2008

    Congress overrides presidential veto Lawmakers feeling the heat of angry voters are beginning to cast votes aimed at helping ease the crisis despite the threat of vetoes by President Bush. Especially dramatic is the shift among...

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  • Former Interior Secretary urges support for National Trails Day

    Former Interior Secretary urges support for National Trails Day

    May 29, 2008

    Eighty years ago, when I was growing up on a ranch near St. Johns, Arizona, trails formed the contours of my world. I'd take a trail to get to a neighbor's house or follow one along...

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  • Ex-White House press secretary slams Iraq war run up

    Ex-White House press secretary slams Iraq war run up

    May 29, 2008

    In a scathing memoir due to be published next week, former White House Press Secretary Scott McClellan accuses President George H.W. Bush of being out of touch, misled, and taking a propaganda approach to issues that...

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