
  • House moves to cut college costs

    House moves to cut college costs

    July 20, 2007

    Student loan debt has more than doubled over the past 10 years. The average college graduate will leave school this year owing $19,200, according to the nonprofit Project on Student Debt. However, the House of Representatives...

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  • Health insurers worried sick over Michael Moore film

    Health insurers worried sick over Michael Moore film

    July 13, 2007 By John Wojcik

    Filmmaker Michael Moore, on July 6, sent out a copy of a confidential memo forwarded to his office by an employee of Capital Blue Cross. The memo, intercepted by a Blue Cross worker, was written and...

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  • Demons of racism roam free: The case of the Jena 6

    Demons of racism roam free: The case of the Jena 6

    July 13, 2007

    In a small still mostly segregated section of rural Louisiana, an all-white jury heard a series of white witnesses called by a white prosecutor testify in a courtroom overseen by a white judge in a trial...

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  • This decision will not stand

    This decision will not stand

    July 13, 2007

    NEA vows fight for integrated schoolsPHILADELPHIA — Some 9,000 National Education Association delegates wrapped up their four-day national assembly here in an upbeat mood, determined to continue their active opposition to the Bush education agenda. Among...

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  • Editorial: Let the eater beware!

    Editorial: Let the eater beware!

    July 6, 2007

    Millions from coast to coast relaxed at barbecues this week, enjoying burgers, franks, salads and fresh fruits. Many of us, with good reason, had second thoughts as we flipped those burgers and bit into those franks...

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