
  • Editorial: Justice turned upside down

    Editorial: Justice turned upside down

    July 6, 2007

    President George W. Bush’s choice of July 2 — right before Independence Day — to commute former White House aide “Scooter” Libby’s prison sentence for lying and obstruction of justice carries a special irony. One of...

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  • Single-payer universal health care can be a reality!

    Single-payer universal health care can be a reality!

    July 6, 2007

    Workers’ Correspondence ”Of all the forms of inequality, the injustice in health care is the most shocking and inhumane.” — Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. All of us have encountered one problem or another with our...

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  • A little health education for FOX and CBS

    A little health education for FOX and CBS

    July 6, 2007

    FOX Broadcasting and CBS reached new lows of hypocrisy and pandering to the ultra-right on reproductive rights, sex and contraception when they recently refused to air ads for condoms. Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards has offered...

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  • Big cheers for Family and Medical Leave Act

    Big cheers for Family and Medical Leave Act

    July 6, 2007

    AFL-CIO blogger Mike Hall writes, “When the Department of Labor in December asked workers and employers to comment on their experiences with regulations that implement the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), many observers believed it...

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    July 6, 2007 By Teresa Albano

    Moldy food found at Farmer Joe’s; How about American Vulture?; Farm workers toil in extreme heat; Fast track dies; We’d deliver, but our bosses won’t let us

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