
  • EDITORIAL: Hot topics

    EDITORIAL: Hot topics

    July 21, 2006

    A sweltering heat wave blanketed much of the United States this past week, with thermometers soaring well over 100 degrees in some places. The scorching temperatures sent millions of people searching for relief. While nature treats...

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  • Women face radical right in fight for reproductive rights

    Women face radical right in fight for reproductive rights

    July 21, 2006

    As we enter the 21st century, the status of women is unrecognizable, certainly compared to a century ago, but even to what it was 20-30 years ago. Globalization has profoundly affected women. New millions are employed...

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  • Immigrant rights groups put unity in action

    Immigrant rights groups put unity in action

    July 21, 2006

    SAN FRANCISCO — From the panelists speaking for a spectrum of immigrant communities, to the chants in globe-spanning languages that closed the program, the Community Forum on Immigration, Labor and Interracial Alliances was all about bringing...

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  • Educators challenge No Child Left Behind

    Educators challenge No Child Left Behind

    July 21, 2006

    Public schools equal, even outdo, private schools As teachers unions geared up for campaigns to challenge the Bush administration’s troubled education law, the No Child Left Behind Act, up for reauthorization next year, the U.S. Education...

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  • NAACP vows to fight vote suppression

    NAACP vows to fight vote suppression

    July 21, 2006

    WASHINGTON — As 3,000 NAACP convention-goers applauded, Julian Bond, the chair of the nation’s largest civil rights group, accused the Republican ultra-right of scheming to block or suppress Black and other minority votes in this year’s...

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