
  • Chicago energy scheme called murder

    Chicago energy scheme called murder

    March 12, 2004

    Chicago – The exposé of a $300 million rip-off by Peoples Gas and Enron of residential heating customers has created a storm of anger here. In response, consumer advocates are demanding immediate restoration of gas to...

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  • Great Game for oil & power

    Great Game for oil & power

    March 12, 2004 By David Eisenhower

    In March 2001 Secretary of Energy Spencer Abraham told the National Energy Security Summit that “America faces a major energy supply crisis over the next two decades.

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  • National Clips

    National Clips

    March 12, 2004

    ATLANTA: Marchers say ‘Set Marcus free’ Busloads of students from Savannah, Augusta, Columbus and Valdosta joined marchers from Atlanta University and linked arms with 200 residents from Marcus Dixon’s hometown of Rome, Ga., to demand that...

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  • Naders disastrous decision to run in 2004

    Naders disastrous decision to run in 2004

    March 5, 2004

    Opinion As someone who voted for Ralph Nader twice for president, the second time in 2000 against the advice of friends and comrades, I am saddened and angered by his decision to run for president in...

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  • Mental health battle in Missouri

    Mental health battle in Missouri

    March 5, 2004 By Tony Pecinovsky

    The Missouri Department of Mental Health recently announced its intention to close two mental health facilities and downsize several others.

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