
  • Cleveland in contention

    Cleveland in contention

    February 27, 2004 By Chas Walker

    The Thrill and the Agony This week in sports by Chas Walker

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  • March 4 action for health care rights

    March 4 action for health care rights

    February 27, 2004 By Phil E. Benjamin

    Jobs with Justice and hundreds of local unions, retiree groups and health care advocacy organizations, including the Universal Health Care Action Network (UHCAN), have set a national “Health Care Action Day” to link workers’ struggles against...

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  • Wall Street loves Bush budget

    Wall Street loves Bush budget

    February 27, 2004 By Art Perlo

    Under the Bush administration, the federal debt has reached record dollar amounts. The latest budget, which claims to cut the deficit in half in five years, is a work of fiction – under the Bush program,...

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  • Bush sneaks in another extremist judge

    Bush sneaks in another extremist judge

    February 27, 2004

    Reaction to George W. Bush’s Feb. 20 back-door appointment of Alabama Attorney General William Pryor as a U.S. appeals court judge was swift and scathing. Sen. Edward Kennedy (D-Mass.), one of the senior members of the...

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  • National Clips

    National Clips

    February 27, 2004

    NASHVILLE, Tenn.: State defies drug companies, Bush Tennessee joins a host of Midwest and New England cities and states openly defying not only the huge drug corporations but also the Bush administration. Gov. Phil Bredesen, a...

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