
  • Seniors slam Trojan horse drug bill

    Seniors slam Trojan horse drug bill

    November 22, 2003

    WASHINGTON – Senior citizens, African American, Latino and white, packed the ornate Senate Caucus Room Nov. 19 and cheered as speakers blasted a prescription drug plan that provides meager drug benefits for some senior citizens while...

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  • Show-Me States winning streak

    Show-Me States winning streak

    November 14, 2003

    The Thrill and the AgonyThis week in sports by Chas Walker ‘Show-Me’ State’s winning streak The “Show-Me” State has certainly shown us some excellent pro football so far this season. The St. Louis Rams are 6...

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  • National Clips

    National Clips

    November 13, 2003

    WASHINGTON: Al Gore says ‘repeal Patriot Act’ Before 3,000 people in Constitution Hall, Nov. 9, former Vice President Al Gore charged President Bush with “mass violations of civil liberties” and eating away at personal freedoms under...

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  • Media reform movement comes of age

    Media reform movement comes of age

    November 13, 2003 By Babette Grunow And Gary Grass

    MADISON, Wis. – As the audience overflowed the 1,800-capacity Orpheum Theatre here last weekend, Commissioner Michael Copps of the Federal Communications Commission told them they were “the most important meeting occurring in America today,” and veteran...

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  • Corporations have their own press, the people need theirs

    Corporations have their own press, the people need theirs

    November 13, 2003

    There are six more weeks left for the People’s Weekly World/Nuestro Mundo fund drive. Thus far, contributions from 43 states totaling $83,716 have come in from readers who say, “Yes!” to the PWW’s coverage of the...

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