
  • Canadian health care expert on tour

    Canadian health care expert on tour

    November 7, 2003

    Doug Allan, a Toronto-based trade union health care researcher and health coalition organizer, will be speaking on “Lessons from Canada’s Public Health Care System” in a series of three events in the eastern United States this...

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  • Oh, Canada! Wherefore art thy drugs so cheap?

    Oh, Canada! Wherefore art thy drugs so cheap?

    October 31, 2003

    A toe-to-toe “people versus profits” slugging match is under way over the issue of importing prescription drugs from Canada. On the side of profit protection are the giant pharmaceutical companies and the Bush administration. Arrayed against...

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  • GOP to challenge Black voters in Louisville

    GOP to challenge Black voters in Louisville

    October 31, 2003

    LOUISVILLE, Ky. – The Republican Party has appointed voter challengers to work election day in the 59 precincts in Louisville where African Americans are concentrated. The GOP-assigned challengers will work at polls in west and central...

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  • Community activist gets labor backing

    Community activist gets labor backing

    October 31, 2003

    LAWRENCE, Mass. – Community activist Martina M. Cruz was recently endorsed by the Merrimack Valley Central Labor Council in her run for School Committee here. Cruz is one of three candidates being endorsed by the labor...

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  • Philadelphia mayoral race heats up

    Philadelphia mayoral race heats up

    October 31, 2003

    PHILADELPHIA – With only a few days left before the mayoral election, Democratic Mayor John Street, the city’s second African American mayor, reportedly has a 5 percent lead in the polls against Sam Katz, his Republican...

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