
  • Zeal for market: But what about justice?

    Zeal for market: But what about justice?

    October 17, 2003 By Greg Godwin

    In a recent column on “Socialist Market Economy,” Erwin Marquit argues for the merits of market-based economies and against the deficiencies of planned economies. Since the collapse of the Soviet Union and the European socialist community,...

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  • Arnold moves to pay back energy traders

    Arnold moves to pay back energy traders

    October 17, 2003

    Actor Arnold Schwarzenegger hasn’t even taken office yet and already he and his Republican handlers are moving quickly to make California “business friendly.” They are scheming more deregulation of the electricity market, certain to hit Californians...

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  • National Clips

    National Clips

    October 16, 2003

    SOUTH BEND, Ind.: Cheney picks up checks, anger Vice President Dick Cheney thought it was a garden variety $2,000-a-plate luncheon, but outside the Notre Dame University’s Joyce Athletic and Convocation Center, hundreds of students, community residents...

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  • GOP dirty tricks in Philly mayors race?

    GOP dirty tricks in Philly mayors race?

    October 16, 2003

    PHILADELPHIA – The FBI admitted on Oct. 7 that it bugged the office of Mayor John Street’s office. Later that day the FBI confiscated Street’s personal e-mailing device. Street said the FBI said he is not...

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  • PWW in big demand at Freedom Ride rally

    PWW in big demand at Freedom Ride rally

    October 16, 2003

    QUEENS, N.Y – “This is really excellent,” a woman in attendance at the closing rally of the Immigrant Workers Freedom Ride said about the People’s Weekly World/Nuestro Mundo. “I’m gonna make my kids read it and...

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