
  • Frustrated voters approve recall, reject racist Prop. 54

    Frustrated voters approve recall, reject racist Prop. 54

    October 10, 2003

    OAKLAND, Calif. – Frustrated Californians voted to recall Democratic Gov. Gray Davis Oct. 7 and replace him with Republican Arnold Schwarzenegger. There is little sign that the vote represented a tilt to the right by California...

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  • Rep. Senfronia Thompson: A Texas lawmaker takes a stand

    Rep. Senfronia Thompson: A Texas lawmaker takes a stand

    October 9, 2003

    WASHINGTON, D.C. – State Representative Senfronia Thompson, Democrat of Houston, is a Texan who stands tall for democratic rights, equality, and government that provides quality public education, health care, and other entitlements as basic human rights....

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  • Rep. Lee introduces universal health care bill

    Rep. Lee introduces universal health care bill

    October 9, 2003 By David Lawrence

    On Sept. 3, Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-Calif.) introduced HR 3000, the United States Universal Health Service Act. This bill, or one very similar to it, has been introduced every year in Congress since 1973.

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  • School reform battle rages in Pennsylvania

    School reform battle rages in Pennsylvania

    October 9, 2003

    The Republican majority in the Pennsylvania State Senate has refused to pass Democratic Gov. Ed Rendell’s education budget even though the state’s schools have been in session for nearly a month. Inquiries from angry citizens receive...

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  • Recession not over by a long shot

    Recession not over by a long shot

    October 9, 2003

    When George Bush introduced his 2003 tax cut package he said it was a “jobs and growth” plan. Later, his Council of Economic Advisors predicted that the plan would stimulate enough economic growth to create 5.5...

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